Welcome to my PORTFOLIO 👋🏻
Feel free to grab a cup of your favorite drink before diving into my work.

As a French Service Designer since 2015,
I'm focusing on creating user experiences nurtured by effective user research within complex environments and innovative contexts.
Since I work in enterprise design - often for internal and confidential projects - most of my recent work is NDA and cannot be published online.
However, I'm always happy to share some of that work in person.

user experience design, service design, interaction design, human factors

Meetup UX@Scale - 2019
Et si nous revisitions notre compréhension du contexte en concevant des expériences adaptées aux contextes utilisateurs?

conceptual, office, public space, renovation, residential, scenography, urbanism

[Études] Projet de Fin d'Études - 2015
Réinterrogation de la notion de coworking, lieu tiers entre travail à domicile et travail en entreprise, le projet vient s'installer à Angoulême dans une friche industrielle et traite d'espaces partagés, du co-working au co-housing.

Feel free to send me a message
I'm always happy to talk about design, photography and sci-fi universes among others !